The Second Deadly Sin our blog will cover is the tendency for candidates to share too much information with the interviewer.
It won't be a surprise if I stated that it's the interviewer's job to find out whether the candidate is the best fit for the position for which they are being interviewed. Skilled interviewers are adept at getting candidates to share as much information about themselves, their character traits and competencies during the interview.
Likewise, candidates are usually nervous or overly confident and feel that they should fill those "awkward" silences with words.
Tips to avoid oversharing - Answer what the interviewer is asking. If they would like more information or clarity on a point that you have made, they will ask follow up questions. If they are busy writing or making notes, please don't feel obliged to say anything during those "silent" periods. Let the interviewer finish their notes and ask the next question.
Often, the nervous or overly confident candidate starts babbling about all manner of things and it's in those moments that they overshare or offer inappropriate information that may count against them during the interview. Everything you say counts. Inappropriate overshares will be remembered by the interviewer...that's exactly what he is looking out for! Candidates that don't fit in are usually disqualified.
The rule is to ensure that you have answered what the interviewer has asked, no more and no less. In this way you stick to their line of questioning and hopefully in your answers convince them that you are the best candidate for the position.
If you have additional information to offer that is relevant to any question and it will improve your chances of being selected, then by all means offer it. However, I strongly caution all candidates against being a (nervous/overly confident) chatterbox and "talking your way OUT of the job"! Oversharing or offering TMI that is inappropriate will usually diminish candidates' chances of selection.
Our next blog will cover Deadly Sin #3 - Mumbling & Poor Body Language